Wednesday 23 September 2009

Preliminary Task - Research

Looking further into the subject of magazine front covers, I searched the internet for three coveres which target a student audience to get inspiration for my own magazine front cover. Choosing three different magazines which covered different subtopics within student interest, it was still clear to see the similarities between the three magazines. All three shared similar subject matters, from choice of music, to the lives of young people in general. Each used bold, stylized fonts, with varying point size and colours relevant to the theme. On the subject of colour, all use bold colours, contrasting with blacks or whites, such as red, a theme prevalent in all three of the magazines I studied. Targeting the audience, the magazines all used models close to the ages of the students and also used articles relative to their interests, particularly music. They also included offers such as the opportunity to win a phone, ideal for the technological generation.

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