Thursday 24 September 2009

Preliminary Task - Audience Research

The subject matter I have planned for my magazine idea will be on student life in general, and cover all aspects of a typical student from music and film, to university placements and revision. This means my magazine can encompass a wide range of readers, but particularly ones with musical interest but also dedication to their studies. The readers will be aged 16-19, the age of an average college student, and would rank from C1-A on the Jicnars scale. The magazine's content would psychographically appeal to achievers and also individualists.

The audience would be the sort of people who:
- listen to alternative music, rather than the mainstream hits
- revise with intention to do well
- be creative in their subject choices
- aspire for a university degree
- want a successful and well paid job
- would revise to music

So, to target my audience effectively, I need to:
- use a model at a similar age to my targeted audience (16-19)
- use bold colours
- colloquial language
- atricles that would appeal to the targeted audience's interests
- freebies and offers
- sociable
- individualist

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