Tuesday 8 December 2009

Main Task: Initial Research into Forms and Conventions (and Key Dates)

Wanting to understand the range of musical genres I am able to choose from with the beginning of the final magazine project, I have chosen three very different music magazines to study: Kerrang!, Classic FM and The Wire.

In looking at their titles, it is only Classic FM that has a direct reference to its music genre, in this case classical music, being named after the radio station it is based on. The Wire has a less apparent link, whilst Kerrang, it appears, has a simple, onomatopoeic title to represent the sound of a power chord on a guitar, very obviously linked to the rock genre.

Of all three, Classic FM seems most upmarket, including CDs as freebies, and containing articles of serious critique on musicians, whilst being relatively informal in appearance, and also advertises CDs of many musicians at much higher prices than that of mainstream pop music. Kerrang! targets a completely different, younger audience, generally advertising and reviewing bands and gigs. It is much more visual and has a clear style. Its price is much less, suiting the income of the audience. The Wire, of the three, is most obscure, focusing more broadly on "modern" music. It is simplistic in style, lacking in article ads on the cover, and seemingly middle market.

Key Project Dates:
07/12/09 - Main Task Introduction and research into similar products and audience
14/12/09 - Research on audience and institution, research and planning commences (drafts etc.)
21/12/09, 28/12/09 Christmas
04/01/10 - Research and Planning deadline, start production work (photos, layout etc.)
11/01/10 - Production
15/01/10 - Production deadline
18/01/10, 1/02/10 - Post Production
8/02/10 - Post Production deadline
15/02/10, 22/01/10 - Evaluation
1/03/10 - Evaluation, coursework prep. for marking, files and blog onto DVD
5/03/10 - Final deadline

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