Monday 5 October 2009

Contents Page

Researching further into magazines, I also looked into the design and layout of contents pages. Doing so, I noticed that all contents pages have certain shared traits. For instance, the pages are usually split in half, one side occupied with images and the other with aligned text advertising the articles the magazine supplies. The articles are usually in larger fonts than their subheadings below, and are explanations of the titles, and the photos themselves are generally dominated by one large picture, of the most importance, then smaller, lesser images. Each are made appealing by their generally simplistic use of colour and font size, as well as their varied image size. The house styles are clear to see, each page containing the same colour and font scheme as the front cover, as well as containing articles the same genre as advertised on the cover. Bearing this in mind, I feel I will be able to create a contents page inkeeping with these ideas.

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