Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Evaluation - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Evaluation - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience?
I feel that, overall, my magazine was quite successful. Having showed my magazine to a range of people aged 16-18, both from within my target audience and outside, I found that the comments received were very positive. It seemed that my use of colours, breaking away from the usual reds and blacks in favour of bolder colours, was indeed a good idea, breaking the norm and attracting my audience, who found them "exciting." Given that this colour scheme was opted for by my audience during my research stage, I feel I have been able to carry through my audience's wants from idea to creation . But whilst most enjoyed the bright colours, it was commented by one of my interviewees that my excessive use of blue in fact gave her the impression of depression, not the cool calmness I had been trying to portray.
Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Thursday, 4 March 2010
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Final Design: Double Page Spread
The colour theme for these two pages is different to that of the rest of the magazine, as I wanted to establish a new theme for the article and, as red was the most striking colour from the photos - my friend's red hair and the red guitar, I continued the theme, the red also adding connotations of danger and violence associated with the word "war". As I had imagined a "special" containing many articles on the Amplified competition, I created a top bar which I imagined would appear on all articles, including the magazine's name, and the name of the competition, then added the proper Amplified logo I created. I then continued the colour scheme in my font colours.
The article itself was an interview with members of different bands, a scenario often covered by other magazine articles, and I picked out a major quote to break up the columns of text. I also added a competition, a popular magazine convention, and used a picture I took at a local gig last year as a last minute extra to add interest. The bottom bar I had intended to use as an "extra news" section, but instead used it to incorporate the element of fashion that people had liked in the moodboard I created at the start of the project.
Monday, 8 February 2010
Final Piece: Contents Page
I changed the colouring slightly, as it had been pointed out to me that the colour scheme didn't quite match that of the front page. This time, I used the eyedropper tool on Photoshop between the two pages to ensure they were both the same colour. I wanted the layout to be more minimal than ones I had previously reviewed, like Kerrang, so I only included one main photo, and made sure there were white spaces. However, my page did become crowded with the page details, so I was unable to add an Editor's Letter, something I had hoped to feature. Overall, I am pleased with this page and feel it keeps to the theme already set by my front cover well.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Front Cover: Feedback and Changes

Final Piece with added barcode, price and poster screamer
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Final Piece: Front Cover
From my previous analyses, I found it was effective when the heads of the models blocked part of the title, so attempted to mimic this in my own by erasing parts of the photo then smudging the hair to make it appear intact. I only made the centre model overlap the title, which in turn centres the whole page effectively.

I didn't add too many screamers - I wanted my magazine to be more relaxed and more refined than Kerrang, but when I did, I feel it added more effect.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Development: Further Feedback

Main Article Photo - Too edited?

Monday, 25 January 2010
Development: Photoshoot

As I wanted to make the colours extra striking, I played with the hue and saturation of the image to make the red stand out, as I want red and black to be a big theme with the double page spread. I'm going to use this picture to accompany information on the artist. I also wanted the models to be almost comically looking across the page at each other, which is why I wanted the model to be looking up.
Another head shot for my artist information on my double page spread. Looking down at the other models across the page.
The most comical of the three headshots, I wanted one of the models to be left out of the staring between the other two artist information photos, and look mock-suprised at being left out, continuing the theme of rivalry that I wanted in the double page spread between the three models.

This is my final image for my double page spread article, the main picture. Before, I had wanted it to be one model feigning attack at the other two, but the small size of the studio prevented this. It also almost prvented me from using this photo because the lighting and wall behind the backdrop could be seen. Luckily I was able to edit this out with relative success. I again played with the hues of the red to make the guitar and models' hair stand out.

Development: First Drafts

I finally moved on to piecing together a first draft of my magazine, beginning by inputting my logo which I can use as a theme through the pages of the magazine and as the front cover logo, and had already created as an idea in my moodboard, and had recieved positive remarks. I also made an abbreviated version to use as a symbol of the magazine in the corner of its pages.
I created the draft of my front cover mainly in Photoshop, for its ability to manipulate objects on seperate layers, and also its drawing capabilities, which was really useful in creating aspects like the glow effect of the fonts and also drawing and editing shapes. I'm happy with the layout, but I might need to squash the lower elements down slightly to make the large main front cover photo more dominating. I also might need to get rid of the top information bar if I want the heads of the front cover models to obscure a little of the title.
My contents page was put together in Quark Express, a desktop publisher, though some of the elements were initially created in Photoshop due to Quark's inferior drawing and image manipulation abilities. Again, I am happy with the general layout and colour scheme of the page, but slightly dissatisfied with the abbreviated Radiowave logo, which is poorly clipped with Quark's image transparency settings. I might need more photographs other than the main image, as I have not yet decided how large I want the editor's note to be, so the amount of space I have for contents is sketchy so far.

Again, my double page spread is designed and put together in Quark Express. I'm hoping the layout will remain similar to this, though I might need more room for the information on each artist. I changed the colour scheme for this because the photos mainly follow a black, white, red and blue theme, and the normal orange and blue theme wouldn't have fitted. The article I plan to write for this bit will hopefully be about 3 finalist bands in a competition created by the magazine and information on some of the bands' members. I might also make the bottom news bar gradiented like the top.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Development: Shot List
Props/costume etc?
Technology required and organisation required?
- Group Shot (Long)
- Studio
- Costume – dark jeans, white/black tops, dark makeup and backcombed hair. Guitar/mic props.
- Three models. Rivalry theme, feigning attack - Possible main feature photo
- Book/share studio, digital camera and white screen backdrop. Arrange for all models to meet.
- Afternoon
- 20/1/10
- Group Shot (Long) - Front Cover Shot
- Studio
- Same costume as above, no props
- Three models. Rivalry theme. One centered - boy, others either side - girls.
- Book/share studio, digital camera and white screen backdrop. Arrange for all models to meet.
- 20/1/10
- Single close-up shots - One of each artist
- Studio
- Same costumes
- Same models, semi-comical expressions, looking down the page at one another - one shocked, one sideways glace, one thoughtful
- Book/share studio, digital camera and white screen backdrop. Arrange for all models to meet.
- 20/1/10
- Single Long shot
- Riverside/square
- Casual/alt. clothing, guitar
- One of the three initial models, casual pose, ignore camera, playing guitar possibly?
- Organise meet, weather permitting, digital camera
- Mid-morning, 9/1/10
Development: Trial Photos

Monday, 11 January 2010
Audience Research: Results

Accompanying the picture, I also asked:
-Would this appeal to you and why?
-Are the colour/font themes effective? (I'm thinking of using the blue/orange theme, but speculation would help!)
-Where would you expect to find this magazine?
-Aside from articles on the bands themselves, what else would you like to see?
-What price would you expect to pay for it?
The moodboard got a very positive reaction, the fact I incorporated things beyond a normal music magazine such as records and tapes, as well as fashion was well recieved. By striking this balance, I've managed to encourage a wider audience, as noted by one messager: "It appeals to me cos it has a mix of images, such as skinny jeans for the youth and LPs for the older generation. The font is good cos it isn't too childish but it isn't too formal either :)" Similarly, the colour scheme "works well" but I might have issues overlaying the brighter colours onto equally pale backgrounds, something I will have to pay attention to if I want my text to be legible. Every messager, when asked what else they would like to see, suggested both band interview
s and, interestingly, fashion, a topic not often covered by music magazines, and a possible niche market for me, as I think that fashion and music are indeed linked, and this could open up possibilities for moneymaking though charging particular clothing stores to advertise in the magazine. Everyone expected to find this magazine at supermarkets, within the music section, but one messeger also suggested "indie clothing shops such as Urban Outfitters or Blue Banana" which would also be pretty useful, both targeting my audience and again exploiting fashion routes. On average, every person averaged on £2 paid on price, less than magazines such as Kerrang, but fitting the target audience, many of which would be teenagers with a lesser allo
wance/access to money.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Research - A detailed audience profile
The magazine is designed for people with both an interest in music generally and in success and careers within the music industry. At this age, there is a sudden change in the levels of disposable income and indeed freedom, with part-time jobs and student lifestyle making the audience more socially active, helpful when considering word of mouth would be one of the main forms of promotion. Beyond this age, jobs or a family lifestyle may lessen the interest. Also, the performance side of the music industry is today mostly dominated by younger artists which would in turn appeal to an audience of a similar age.
Psychographics: Strivers/Aspirers. Also for Belongers/Hedonists/Loyal
Being a magazine to promote unsigned artists, it has an aspirer slant, giving striving unsigned artists a chance of exposure and recognition in order to be able to further their musical careers. This in turn is able to provide encouragement for an aspiring audience who would then be able to contribute their own stories to the magazine, and would especially interest student artists at both college and university in deciding what steps they may take into the music industry. There is also an audience who simply wish to consume the bands after gaining an interest, and would need disposable income and be loyal to the band, with a want to spend money in the forms of gigs, merchandise and CDs, able to follow the band to obscure venues etc. Belongers would aid this by then spreading the word of a favoured band and helping it become popular.
Demographics: C1 – A
The audience would need to have a fair disposable income, for the unsigned artists are completely reliant on the sales from the audience, without monetary support from any labels. The audience would be generally strivers because of the magazine’s content and so would generally end up with higher positions within a job.